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  • Padovani MusicRua Dino Bordini, 109 - Parque das indústrias - Itu, SP - CEP 13.309-672 - Atendimento de Segunda à Sexta das 8:00 às 12:00 e das 13:12 às 18:00hs.

The Fran Rivero LEAD Model Trumpet Mouthpiece was developed directly with Fran Rivero along with our design team.

Mixed cup format with first shallow U-section and second V-shaped section.

Indicated for first trumpet work and for trumpeters used to shallow mouthpieces.

It has fantastic resonance and stability of the notes. The use of resonators can further increase the versatility of the mouthpiece.

Mouthpiece with edge close to Padovani line 7 (16.20mm), with wider and slightly flatter outer edge, shallow cup and 3.80mm hole. Mouthpiece designed to bring comfort, safety and sound in Lead Trumpet repertoires and high notes in general.

(Approximate equivalence: Schilke 13A4a)

Comes with Resonator of your choice